Dr. Ritu Gairola Khanduri
Lambda Alpha Executive Director
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
University of Texas at Arlington
Arlington, TX 76019email: executivedirector@laanthro.org
Dr. Mark D. Groover
Member of the Midwest
Department of Anthropology
Ball State University
Muncie, IN 47306 -
Dr. Peer Moore-Jansen
Lambda Alpha Journal
Department of Anthropology
Wichita State University
Wichita, KS 67260-0052email. pmojan@wichita.edu.
phone: 316-978-3195
Dr. Marie Elaine Danforth
Member of the South
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-5074 -
Aidan Loughran
Administrative Intern
Vidula Khanduri
Lambda Alpha National Office
Interim Administrative CoordinatorMailing Address:
Lambda Alpha Honor Society
300 State Street
PO Box 92365
Southlake, TX 76092Attn: Admin Coordinator
Email: Admin@laanthro.org
Phone: (817) 330-9318
Tuesdays 4-6pm & Thursdays 11am-1pm Central
Lambda Alpha Chapter Directory
255 chapters established since 1968
Please send chapter directory corrections to laanthro@gmail.com, with the subject line: Directory.
Directory updated March 14, 2023.
Alpha of Alabama
Dr. Mark A. Moberg
Dept. of Anth./34 HUMB
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL 36688-0002mmoberg@southalabama.edu
Beta of Alabama
Dr. Katherine L. Chiou
Dept. of Anthropology
The University of Alabama
Box 870210 (Ten Hoor)
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0210klchiou@ua.edu
Gamma of Alabama
Dr. Christopher Beck
Dept. of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work
Auburn University
7030 Haley Center
Auburn, AL 36849cdb0066@auburn.edu
Delta of Alabama
Dr. Stephen B. Carmody
Department of Social Sciences
Troy University
Troy, AL 36082scarmody@troy.edu
Epsilon of Alabama
Dr. Jordan Kiper
University of Alabama Birmingham
University Hall 1402 10th Ave. South, UH 3165
Birmingham, AL 35294-1241jkiper@uab.edu
Zeta of Alabama
Dr. Kimberly Pyszka
Dept. of Socio., Anthro., and Social Work
Auburn University at Montgomery
PO Box 244023
Montgomery, AL 36124kpyszka@aum.edu
Alpha of Alaska–inactive
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Alaska
Anchorage, AK 99508-8334 -
Alpha of Arizona-inactive
Dept. of Anthropology
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402 -
Alpha of Arkansas
Dr. Simon Hawkins
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
University of Arkansas at
Little Rock, AR 72204-1099sxhawkins@ualr.edu
Beta of Arkansas
Dr. Brett Hill
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
Hendrix College
Conway, AR 72032-3080hillb@hendrix.edu
Gamma of Arkansas
Dr. Claire Terhune
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Arkansas at
Fayetteville, AR 72701cterhune@uark.edu
Delta of Arkansas
Dr. Eric Bowne
Dept. of Sociology/Irby 306
University of Central Arkansas
Conway, AR 72035-5001ebowne@uca.edu
Epsilon of Arkansas
Dr. Joshua Lockyer
Dept. of Behav. Sci./348 Witherspoon
Arkansas Tech University
Russellville, AR 72801jlockyer@atu.edu
Alpha of California
Dr. Jesse A. Dizard
Dept. of Anthropology
California State University at Chico
Chico, CA 95929jdizard@csuchico.edu
Beta of California
Dr. Michael Walker
Dept. of Anthropology/MND4010
California State University at
Sacramento, CA 95819-6106michael.walker@csus.edu
Gamma of California
Dr. Jennifer Parkinson
Dept. of Anth./207 Serra
University of San Diego
San Diego, CA 92110-2492jparkinson@SanDiego.edu
Delta of California
Disbanded 9/2020Epsilon of California–inactive
Dept. of Anth. & Geo.
California State University-Stanislaus
Turlock, CA 95380-3953Zeta of California–inactive
No longer has Anthropology DepartmentEta of California
Dr. Barbra Erickson
Dept. of Anth./P.O.Box 6850
California State University at
Fullerton, CA 92834-6850beerickson@fullerton.edu
Theta of California
Dr. Lawrence Cohen
Dept. of Anthropology
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3710Iota of California
Dr. Lynn Meisch
Dept. of Anthropology
Saint Mary’s College of California
Moraga, CA 94575-4613lynnmeis@aol.com
Kappa of California
Dr. Kristin Peterson
Dept. of Anthropology
University of California at
Irvine, CA 92697-5100kris@uci.edu
Lambda of California
Dr. Isaac Voss
Dept. of Anth./55 Fair Dr.
Vanguard University
Costa Mesa, CA 92626isaac.voss@vanguard.edu
Mu of California
Dr. Mary Hancock
Dept. of Anthropology
University of California at
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3210mhancock@umail.ucsb.edu
Nu of California
Dr. Janine Gasco
Dept. of Anth./1000 E Victoria
California State University at Dominguez Hills
Carson, CA 90747jgasco@csudh.edu
Xi of California
Dr. Luis Calero
Dept. of Anthropology
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, CA 95053-0201lcalero@scu.edu
Omicron of California
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
University of La Verne
La Verne, CA 91750@laverne.edu
Pi of California
Dr. Elizabeth Weiss
Dept. of Anthropology
San Jose State University
San Jose, CA 95192-0113elizabeth.weiss@sjsu.edu
Rho of California
Dr. Patrick O’Neill
Anth. Prog./9001 Stockdale Hwy.
California State University at
Bakersfield, CA 93311-1022poneill2@csub.edu
Sigma of California
Dr. Lauren Arenson
Social Science Div./C320
Pasadena City College
Pasadena, CA 91106-2003ljarenson@pasadena.edu
Tau of California–inactive
Department Chair
Dept. of Anthropology
San Francisco State University
San Francisco, CA 94132Upsilon of California
Dr. Ann Kakaliouras
Dept. of Anthropology
Whittier College
Whittier, CA 90608akakalio@whittier.edu
Phi of California
Dr. Janet Hoskins
Dept. of Anth./GFS120
University of Southern California-
Los Angeles, CA 90089-1692jhoskins@usc.edu
Chi of California-PENDING
Dr. Holley Moyes
Dept. of Anth./5200 N. Lake, Bldg. A
University of California – Merced
Merced, CA 95343hmoyes@ucmerced.edu
Psi of California
Dr. Richard Senghas
Dept. of Anth. & Linguistics
1801 E. Cotati Ave./Stevenson 2054
Sonoma State University
Rohnert Park, CA 94928-3609richard.senghas@sonoma.edu
Omega of California
Dr. Laurette McGuire
Dept. of Anth./333 S. Twin Oaks Val. Rd.
California State University atSan Marcos,
San Marcos, CA 92096-0001lmcguire@csusm.edu
Alpha Beta of California
Dr. Tony Marks-Block
California State University, East Bay
25800 Carlos Bee Blvd
Hayward, CA 94542tony.marksblock@csueastbay.edu
Alpha Gamma of California
Dr. Eréndira Quintana Morales
Dept. of Anthropology
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064equinta6@ucsc.edu
Alpha of Colorado–inactive
Dept. of Anthropology
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523Beta of Colorado
Dr. David Kozak
Dept. of Anthropology
Fort Lewis College
Durango, CO 81301-3999kozak_d@fortlewis.edu
Gamma of Colorado
Dr. Alejandro Ceron
Dept. of Anthropology/131Sturm Hall
University of Denver
Denver, CO 80208Alejandro.CeronValdes@du.edu
Delta of Colorado
Dr. Tara Cepon-Robins/Tim McDonnell
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs, CO 80918trobins3@uccs.edu
Epsilon of Colorado
Dr. Lynn Sikkink
Dept. of Anth./128 Hurst
Western State College
Gunnison, CO 81231lsikkink@western.edu
Zeta of Colorado
Dr. Anna G. Warrener
Department of Anthropology
University of Colorado, Denver
Campus Box 103
PO Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364anna.warrener@ucdenver.edu
Eta of Colorado
Dr. Michala Stock
Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology
Campus Box 28, PO Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362mstock3@msudenver.edu
Alpha of Connecticut
Dr. Dimitris Xygalatas
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Connecticut
354 Mansfield Road, Unit 1176
Storrs, CT 06269-2176xygalatas@uconn.edu
Beta of Connecticut
Dr. Elizabeth C. Clay
Dept. of Anthropology
Central Connecticut State University
New Britain, CT 06050-4010clay@ccsu.edu
Gamma of Connecticut
Dr. William Farley
Dept. of Anth./501 Crescent St.
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, CT 06515-1355farleyw1@southernct.edu
Alpha of Florida–inactive
University of South FloridaBeta of Florida
Dr. Michael Harris
Dept. of Anthropology
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991mharris@fau.edu
Gamma of Florida
Michael G. Callaghan, Ph.D.
Dept. of Anth./ Howard Phillips 309
University of Central Florida
4000 Central Florida Blvd
Orlando, FL 32816-1361michael.callaghan@ucf.edu
Delta of Florida
Dr. Richard Kernaghan
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-7305kernaghan@ufl.edu
Epsilon of Florida
Dr. Akkaya Aslihan
Dept. of Global & Soc./SIPA 340
Florida International University
Miami, FL 33199aaslihan@fiu.edu
Zeta of Florida
Dr. Allan D. Meyers
Dept. of Comparative Cultures
Eckerd College
4200 54th Ave., South
St. Petersburg, FL 33711meyersad@eckerd.edu
Eta of Florida
Dr. J. Bryan Page
Dept. of Anth./Box 248106
University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL 33124-2005bryan.page@miami.edu
Theta of Florida
Dr. Zack Gilmore
Dept. of Anth./Box 2761
1000 Holt Ave.
Rollins College
Winter Park, FL 32789Iota of Florida
Dr. Kathryn Arthur
Dept. of Anthropology
University of South Florida, St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg, FL 33701kjarthur@mail.usf.edu
Kappa of Florida
Dr. Geoffrey P. Thomas
Dept. of Anthropology
Florida State University
60 N. Woodward Ave.
Carraway Building
Tallahassee, FL 32310gpthomas@fsu.edu
Lambda of Florida
Dr. Anne E. Pfister
Dr. Jacqueline Meier
Dept. of Socio., Anthro., & Soc. Work
University of North Florida
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Mu of Florida
Dr. Lori Lee
Depart. of Humanities
Flagler College
74 King Street
Saint Augustine, FL 32084llee@flagler.edu
Alpha of Georgia
Dr. Cassandra White
Dept. of Anth. & Geo.
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA 30303-3083cwhite@langate.gsu.edu
Beta of Georgia
Dr. Sa’ed Atshan
Dept. of Anth./1557 Dickey, rm 207
Emory University
Atlanta, GA 30322satshan@emory.edu
Gamma of Georgia
Dr. Jennifer Sweeney Tookes
Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology
Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, GA 30460-8051jtookes@georgiasouthern.edu
Delta of Georgia
Dr. Marjorie Snipes
Dept. of Anthropology
University of West Georgia
Carrollton, GA 30118-2140msnipes@westga.edu
Epsilon of Georgia
Dr. Alice F, Gooding
Dept. of Geo. & Anth./MD2203
Kennesaw State University
Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591afazloll@kennesaw.edu
Zeta of Georgia
Dr. Quesada
Dept. of Anth./250 Baldwin
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-1619squesada@uga.edu
Alpha of Guam
Dr. Douglas Farrer
Dept. of Anth./UOG Station
University of Guam
Mangilao, GU 96923dfarrer@uguam.uog.edu
Alpha of Hawaii
Dr. Christy Mello
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Hawaii-West O’ahu
91-1001 Farrington Hwy.
Kapolei, HI 96707melloc@hawaii.edu
Beta of Hawaii
Dr. Christopher Bae
Dept. of Anth./346 Saunders
University of Hawaii-Manoa
Honolulu, HI 96822-2223cjbae@hawaii.edu
Gamma of Hawaii
Dr. Tevita O. Kaili
Department of Culture and History
Brigham Young University – Hawaii, #1940
55-220 Kulanui St.
Laie, HI 96762tevita.kaili@byuh.edu
Alpha of Idaho
Dr. Katherine Reedy
Departments of Anthropology
Idaho State University
921 S. 8th Ave., Stop 8005
Pocatello, ID 83209reedkath@isu.edu
Beta of Idaho
Nikki Gorrell
Department of Culture, History, and Politics
College of Wester Idaho
5500 E. opportunity Dr.
Nampa, ID 83687nikkigorrell@cwi.edu
Gamma of Idaho
Dr. Kathryn Demps
Dept. of Anthropology
Boise State University
1910 University Drive, MS 1950
Boise, ID 83725kathryndemps@boisestate.edu
Alpha of Illinois
Dr. Sasikumar Balasundaram
Dept. of Anthropology
Southern Illinois University at
Edwardsville, IL 62025sbalasu@siue.edu
Beta of Illinois
Dr. Brian Howell
Dept. of Soc. and Anth.
Wheaton College
Wheaton, IL 60187-5593brian.howell@wheaton.edu
Gamma of Illinois
Disbanded 2023
No longer an anthropology department at the university.Delta of Illinois
Dr. Gretchen Dabbs
Dept. of Anthropology
Southern Illinois University at
Carbondale, IL 62901-4502gdabbs@siu.edu
Epsilon of Illinois
Dr. Anne Grauer
Dept. of Anthropology
Loyola University of Chicago
Chicago, IL 60626agrauer@luc.edu
Zeta of Illinois
Dr. Rachel Scott
Dept. of Anthropology
DePaul University
Chicago, IL 60614-3017rachel.scott@depaul.edu
Eta of Illinois
Dr. Vincent M. LaMotta
Dept. of Anth.
1007 W. Harrison St.
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL 60607-7139vlamotta@uic.edu
Theta of Illinois
Dr. Todd Beer
Dept. of Soc. & Anth./209 Hotchkiss
Lake Forest College
Lake Forest, IL 60045-2399beer@lakeforest.edu
Iota of Illinois
Dr. Jon Hageman
Dept. of Anth./5500 N. St. Louis
Northeastern Illinois University
Chicago, IL 60625-4699jhageman@neiu.edu
Kappa of Illinois
Dr. G, Logan Miller
Dept. of Anth.
Illinois State University
403 W. College Ave.
Normal, IL 61761glmill1@ilstu.edu
Lambda of Illinois
Dr. Matthew Krystal
Dept. of Anth./30 N. Brainard
North Central College
Naperville, IL 60540mbkrystal@noctrl.edu
Mu of Illinois
Dr. Brandon Ritchison
Dept of Anth./109 Davenport Hall
607 S. Matthews Ave.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL 61801britch@illinois.edu
Nu of Illinois
Dr. Angela C. Glaros
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Eastern Illinois University
Charleston, ILL 61920acglaros@eiu.edu
Xi of Illinois
Dr. Andrea Alveshere
Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology
Western Illinois University
One University Circle
Morgan Hall 404
Macomb, IL 61455a-alveshere@wiu.edu
Alpha of Indiana
Early founder’s chapter of Lambda Alpha
Dr. Robert F. Phillips
Dept. of Anthropology
Ball State University
Muncie, IN 47306-0435rfphillips@bsu.edu
Beta of Indiana
Dr. Eric Haanstad
Dept. of Anth./296 Corbett Family Hall
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556-5611EJHaanstad@nd.edu
Delta of Indiana
Dr. Shawn Phillips
Dept. of Earth, et al/Sci. Hall 147
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, IN 47809shawn.phillips@indstate.edu
Epsilon of Indiana
Dr. Laura Elder
Dept. of Anthropology
Saint Mary’s College
Notre Dame, IN 46556-5001lelder@saintmarys.edu
Zeta of Indiana
Dr. Lydia Marshall
Dept. of Soc. & Anth./304 Asbury
DePauw University
Greencastle, IN 46135-0037lydiamarshall@depauw.edu
Eta of Indiana
Dr. Jeremy Wilson
Dept. of Anth./CA 413C
Indiana U. Purdue U.-Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202wilsojer@iupui.edu
Theta of Indiana
Dr. Douglas Kline
Dept. of Anth./2101 E. Coliseum
Purdue University Fort Wayne
Fort Wayne, IN 46805-1499klined@pfw.edu
Iota of Indiana
Dr. James VanderVeen
Dept. of Soc. & Anth./2289 Wiekamp
1700 Mishawaka Ave.
Indiana University, South Bend
South Bend, IN 46634-7111jmvander@iusb.edu
Kappa of Indiana
Dr. Philip LeSourd
Dept. of Anthropology
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405plesourd@indiana.edu
Alpha of Iowa–inactive
University of Northern IowaBeta of Iowa
Dr. Scott Schnell
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242-1322scott-schnell@uiowa.edu
Gamma of Iowa
Daria Trentini
Dept. for the Study of Culture
Drake University
Des Moines, IA 50311-4505daria.trentini@Drake.edu
Delta of Iowa
Dr. Colin Betts
Dept. of Anth./700 College Dr.
Luther College
Decorah, IA 52101-1045bettscol@luther.edu
Epsilon of Iowa
Dr. Misha Quill
Dept. of Soc. & Anth./600 First, SW
Cornell College
Mount Vernon, IA 52314-1098mquill@cornellcollege.edu
Founding chapter of Lambda Alpha
Alpha of Kansas
Dr. Peer Moore-Jansen
Dept. of Anthropology
Wichita State University
Wichita, KS 67260-0052pmojan@wichita.edu
Alpha of Kentucky
Dr. Kate Hudepohl
Dept. of Folk Studies & Anth.
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1029kate.hudepohl@wku.ed
Beta of Kentucky
Dr. Marcie Venter
Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences/334 Blackburn
Murray State University
Murray, KY 42071-3346mventer@murraystate.edu
Gamma of Kentucky
Dr. Jessica Lott
Dept. of Soc., Anth. & Phil.
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, KY 41076lottj1@nku.edu
Delta of Kentucky
Dr. Heather Worne
Dept. of Anthropology/211 Lafferty
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0024haworn0@uky.edu
Epsilon of Kentucky
Dr. Benjamin Freed
Dept. of Anthropology
Eastern Kentucky University
Richmond, KY 40475-3102benjamin.freed@eku.edu
Zeta of Kentucky
Dr. Hande Ozkan
Dept. of Anthropology
Transylvania University
Lexington, KY 40508-1797hozkan@transy.edu
Eta of Kentucky
Dr. Amanuel Y. Beyin
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292aybeyin01@louisville.edu
Alpha of Louisiana
Dr. David Chicoine
Dept. of Geo. & Anth.
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4105dchico@lsu.edu
Beta of Louisiana
Dr. Nicole Katin
Dept. of Anthropology
Tulane University
6823 St. Charles Ave.
New Orleans, LA 7011nkatin@tulane.edu
Gamma of Louisiana
Dr. Steve Horton
Dept. of Social Sciences
Northwestern State University
Natchitoches, LA 71497hortons@nsula.edu
Alpha of Maine
Dr. Christine Beitl
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469-5773christinie.beitl@maine.edu
Alpha of Maryland
Behavioral Sci. & Human Serv.
Bowie State University
Bowie, MD 20715-9465Beta of Maryland
Dr. Sarah Chard
Dept. of Soc.&Anth./1000 Hilltop
University of Maryland, Baltimore Co.
Baltimore, MD 21250schard@umbc.edu
Gamma of Maryland
Dr. Julie Markin
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
Washington College
Chestertown, MD 21620-1197jmarkin2@washcoll.edu
Delta of Maryland
Dr. Julia King
Dept. of Anthropology
St. Mary’s College of Maryland
St. Mary’s City, MD 20686-3001jking@smcm.edu
Epsilon of Maryland
Dr. Carolyn Schwarz
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
1021 Dulaney Valley Rd.
Goucher College
Baltimore, MD 21204Carolyn.Schwarz@goucher.edu
Zeta of Maryland
Dr. Katherine Sterner
Dept. of Soc., Anth., & Criminal Justice
Towson University
8000 York Rd.
Towson, MD 21252-0001ksterner@towson.edu
Alpha of Massachusetts
Dr. Alvaro Jarrin
Dept. of Soc. & Anth./Box 50A
College of the Holy Cross
Worcester, MA 01610-2395ajarrin@holycross.edu
Beta of Massachusetts
Dr. Lauren Sullivan
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Massachusetts-Boston
Boston, MA 02125-3393lauren.sullivan@umb.edu
Gamma of Massachusetts
Dr. Simone Poliandri
Dept. of Anth./95 Burrill
Bridgewater State University
Bridgewater, MA 02325spoliandri@bridgew.edu
Alpha of Michigan
Dr. Daniel Birchok
Dept. of Anth., et al/526 French
University of Michigan at Flint
Flint, MI 48502-2186dbirchok@umflint.edu
Beta of Michigan
Dr. Mark Schwartz
Dept. of Anthropology/ASH 1155
Grand Valley State University
Allendale, MI 49401-9403schwamar@gvsu.edu
Gamma of Michigan
Dr. E. Liza Cerroni-Long
SAC Dept./712 P-H Bldg.
Eastern Michigan University
Ypsilanti, MI 48197liza.cerroni-long@emich.edu
Delta of Michigan
Dr. Kristin V. Landau
Dept. of Anth./614 W. Superior
Alma College
Alma, MI 48801-1599landaukv@alma.edu
Epsilon of Michigan
Dr. Brad Chase/Dr. Allison Harnish
Dept. of Anthro & Soc.
Albion College
Albion, MI 49224bchase@albion.edu
aharnish@albion.eduZeta of Michigan
Dr. Cathy Willermet
Department of Philosophy, Anthropology, and Religion
Central Michigan University
288 Anspach Hall
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859wille2cm@cmich.edu
Alpha of Minnesota
Dr. Colin Smith
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
Gustavus Adolphus College
St. Peter, MN 56082-1498colinsmith@gustavus.edu
Beta of Minnesota
Dr. Kathleen Blue
Dept. of Anthropology
Minnesota State University
Mankato, MN 56001kathleen.blue@mnsu.edu
Gamma of Minnesota-inactive
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
St. Olaf College
Northfield, MN 55057@stolaf.edu
Alpha of Mississippi
Dr. Shawn Lambert
Dept. of Anthropology
Box AR
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS 39762Shawn.Lambert@anthro.msstate.edu
Beta of Mississippi
Dr. Marie Elaine Danforth
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
The University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-5074m.danforth@usm.edu
Gamma of Mississippi
Dr. Matthew Leigh Murray
Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology
University of Mississippi
PO Box 1848
University, MS 38677-1848mlmurray@olemiss.edu
Delta of Mississippi
Veronique Bélisle, Ph.D.
Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology
Millsaps College
1701 N. State St., Box 150214
Jackson, MS 39210belisv@millsaps.edu
Epsilon of Mississippi
Dr. Brad Chase/Allison Harnish
Dept. of Anthropology and Soiology
Albion College
Albion, MI 49224bchase@albion.edu
aharnish@albion.edu -
Alpha of Missouri
Dr. Sarah Lacy
Dept. of Anth./518 Clark
University of Missouri at St. Louis
St. Louis, MO 63121-4400lacysa@umsl.edu
Beta of Missouri
Dr. E. A. Quinn
Dept. of Anthropology/Box 1114
Washington University in St. Louis
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899equinn@wustl.edu
Gamma of Missouri
Dr. Todd VanPool
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Missouri-Columbia
Columbia, MO 65211vanpoolt@missouri.edu
Delta of Missouri
Dr. Erin Kenny
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
Missouri State University
Springfield MO 65897ErinKenny@MissouriState.edu
Epsilon of Missouri
Dr. Elsa L. Fan
Dr. Jong Bum Kwon
Dept. of Anth. & Soc.
470 E. Lockwood Avenue
Webster University
St. Louis, MO 63119-3194elsafan19@webster.edu
jongkwon00@webster.eduZeta of Missouri
Dr. Anne Austin
Dept. of Society & Environ.
Truman State University
Kirksville, MO 63501-4221austinan@truman.edu
Eta of Missouri
Dr. Mary Vermilion
Dept. of Soc., Anth. & Forensic Sci.
3700 Lindell/1920 Morrissey
Saint Louis University
St. Louis, MO 63108mvermili@slu.edu
Theta of Missouri
Dr. Amber Clifford-Napoleone
Dept. of Hist. & Anth./Wood 136
University of Central Missouri
Warrensburg, MO 64093-5060clifford@ucmo.edu
Iota of Missouri – Surrendered (2022)
Lindenwood University no longer has an anthropology department. -
Alpha of Montana
Dr. Laurence Carucci
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717-0238lamaca@montana.edu
Beta of Montana
Dr. Meradeth Snow
Dept. of Anthropology/MS 5112
University of Montana
Missoula, MT 59812-1001meradeth.snow@mso.umt.edu
Alpha of Nebraska
Dr. Cristina Pop
Department of Anthropology
Creighton University
Omaha, NE 68178cristinapop@creighton.edu
Alpha of Nevada
Dr. Jennifer Byrnes
Dept. of Anth.
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, NV 89154-5003jennifer.byrnes@unlv.edu
Alpha of New Hampshire
Dr. Robert G. Goodby
Dept. of Anth.
Franklin Pierce University
40 University Drive
Rindge, NH 03461-0060goodbyr@franklinpierce.edu
Alpha of New Jersey
Ms. Brooke Nappi
Dept. of History & Anth.
Monmouth University
West Long Branch, NJ 07764bnappi@monmouth.edu
Beta of New Jersey
Dr. Maisa Taha
Dept. of Anthropology
Montclair State University
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043taham@mail.montclair.edu
Gamma of New Jersey
Dr. Maria Kromidas
Dept. of Anthropology
William Paterson University
300 Pompton Rd., Science East 5017
Wayne, NJ 07470-2103KROMIDASM@wpunj.edu
Delta of New Jersey
Dr. Cherubim Quizon
Dept. of Anth./512 Jubillee Hall
Seton Hall University
South Orange, NJ 07079-2687cherubim.quizon@shu.edu
Epsilon of New Jersey
Dr. Rob Scott
Dept. of Anthropology
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1414robertsc@rutgers.edu
Zeta of New Jersey
Dr. Allan Dawson
Dept. of Anth./36 Madison Ave.
Drew University
Madison, NJ 07940adawson@drew.edu
Eta of New Jersey
Dr. Jared Beatrice
Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology
College of New Jersey
P.O. Box 7718
2000 Pennington Rd.
Ewing, NJ 08628beatricj@tcnj.edu
Theta of New Jersey
Dr. James M. Hundley
Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology
Rowan University
201 Mullica Hill Road
Glassboro, NJ 08028hundley@rowan.edu
Alpha of New Mexico
Dr. Lois Stanford
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001lstanfor@nmsu.edu
Beta of New Mexico
Dr. Kathy Durand Gore
Dept. of Anth. & App’d. Arch.
Station 53, 1500 S. Ave. K
Eastern New Mexico University
Portales, NM 88130kathy.gore@enmu.edu
Alpha of New York
Dr. Jaimin Weets
Dept. of Anthropology
SUNY – Potsdam
Potsdam, NY 13676-2294weetsjd@postdam.edu
Beta of New York
Dr. Mary H. Moran
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
Colgate University
Hamilton, NY 13346-1398mmoran@mail.colgate.edu
Delta of New York
Dr. Guido Pezzarossi
Dept. of Anth./209 Maxwell Hall
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13244-1090gpezzaro@maxwell.syr.edu
Epsilon of New York
Dr. Paul Pacheco
Dept. of Anthropology
SUNY at Geneseo
Geneseo, NY 14454-1401pacheco@geneseo.edu
Zeta of New York
Dr. Karen Brison
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
Union College
Schenectady, NY 12308-2365brisonk@union.edu
Eta of New York
Dr. Timothy P. Daniels
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549-1090Timothy.P.Daniels@hofstra.edu
Theta of New York
Dr. Connie M. Anderson
Dept. of Anthropology
Hartwick College
Oneonta, NY 13820andersonc@hartwick.edu
Iota of New York
Dr. Adam Harr
Dept. of Anthropology/114 Piskor
St. Lawrence University
Canton, NY 13617-1475aharr@stlawu.edu
Kappa of New York
Dr. Alanna Ossa
Dept. of Anth./Mahar Hall
SUNY at Oswego
Oswego, NY 13126alanna.ossa@oswego.edu
Lambda of New York
Dr. Jaume Franquesa
Dept. of Anth./380 MFAC
SUNY at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14261-0026jaume@buffalo.edu
Mu of New York
Doc McAlister Billingsley
Dept. of Anth. & Soc.
Elmira College
Elmira, NY 14901dbillingsley@elmira.edu
Nu of New York
Dr. Anna Konstantatos
Dept. of Anthropology
Adelphi University
Garden City, NY 11530konstantatos@adelphi.edu
Omicron of New York
Dr. Lisa Corewyn
Dept. of Anth./953 Danby Rd./G123
Ithaca College
Ithaca, NY 14850lcorewyn@ithaca.edu
Xi of New York
Dr. Sean Rafferty
Dept. of Anth./AS237
SUNY at Albany
Albany, NY 12222rafferty@albany.edu
Pi of New York
Dr. Celeste Gagnon
Dept. of Soc. Sci./205 Parker
Wagner College
Staten Island, NY 10301celeste.gagnon@wagner.edu
Rho of New York
Dr. Jessica Smeeks
Dept. of Anthropology/WSB 124
SUNY at New Paltz
New Paltz, NY 12561-2443smeeksj@newpaltz.edu
Sigma of New York
Dr. Anne Galvin
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
8000 Utopia Pkwy.
St. John’s University
Queens, NY 11439galvina@stjohns.edu
Tau of New York
Dr. Lisa Anselmi
Dept. of Anth./CB B107
1300 Elmwood Ave.
Buffalo State College
Buffalo, NY 14222-1095ANSELMILM@buffalostate.edu
Upsilon of New York
Dr. Justin Lowry
113 Redcay Hall
101 Broad Street
Plattsburgh, NY 12901jlowr002@plattsburgh.edu
Alpha of North Carolina
Dr. Paul Thacker
Dept. of Anthropology
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7807thackep@wfu.edu
Beta of North Carolina
Dr. Charles Ewen
Dept. of Anthropology
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27834-4353EWENC@ecu.edu
Gamma of North Carolina-INACTIVE:1985
Dept. of Anthropology
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27414Delta of North Carolina
Dr. Charles Egeland
Dept. of Anthropology
University of North Carolina at
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170cpegelan@uncg.edu
Epsilon of North Carolina
Dr. Timothy Smith
Dept. of Anthropology
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608-2016smithtj2@appstate.edu
Zeta of North Carolina
Dr. Gregory Starrett
Dept. of Anthropology
University of North Carolina at
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
Eta of North Carolina
Dr. William Alexander
Dept. of Anthropology
The University of North Carolina at
601 South College Road
Wilmington, NC 28403-5907rebere@uncw.edu
Theta of North Carolina
Dr. Philip E. Coyle
Dept. of Anthropology & Sociology
Western Carolina University
1 University Dr.
Cullowhee, NC 28723pcoyle@wcu.edu
Iota of North Carolina
Dr. Devin Proctor
Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology
Campus Box 2035
Elon University
Elon, NC 27244dproctor2@elon.edu
Alpha of Ohio
Dr. Robert V. Riordan
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
Wright State University
Dayton, OH 45435-0001rriordan@wright.edu
Beta of Ohio-INACTIVE:1993
Dr. David M. Stothers
Dept. of Soc., Anth. & Social Work
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH 43606-3390Gamma of Ohio
Dr. Olivia Navarro-Farr
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
College of Wooster
Wooster, OH 44691-2363onavarro-farr@.wooster.edu
Delta of Ohio
Dr. Joseph Gingerich
Dept. of Soc. & Anth./Rm 157809
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701-2979gingerij@ohio.edu
Epsilon of Ohio
Dr. W. Scott McGraw
Dept. of Anthropology/4064 Smith
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210-1106mcgraw.43@osu.edu
Zeta of Ohio
Dr. Maggie Jackson
Dept. of Anth./2300 Chester CB 139
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214mag.jackson@csuohio.edu
Eta of Ohio
Dr. Fareeda Griffith/Nancy Welu
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
Denison University
Granville, OH 43023-0810griffithf@denison.edu
welu@denison.eduTheta of Ohio
Dr. Lawrence Greksa, Chair
Dept. of Anth./207 Mather
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH 44106lawrence.greksa@case.edu
Iota of Ohio
Dr. Sam Pack
Dept. of Anthropology
Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohiopack@kenyon.edu
Alpha of Oklahoma
Dr. Miriam Belmaker/Dr. Danielle Macdonald
Dept. of Anth./800 S. Tucker
The University of Tulsa
Tulsa, OK 74104-9700miriam-belmaker@utulsa.edu
danielle-macdonald@utulsa.edu -
Alpha of Oregon
Dr. Kenneth Maes
Dept. of Anthropology
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-6403kenneth.maes@oregonstate.edu
Beta of Oregon
Dr. Mrinalini Tankha
Dept. of Anthropology
Portland State University
Portland, OR 97207-0751mtankha@pdx.edu
Gamma of Oregon
Dr. Aaron Green
Anth./2043 College/UC476
Pacific University
Forest Grove, OR 97116aaron@pacificu.edu
Delta of Oregon
Dr. Hillary Crane
Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology
Linfield College
McMinnville, OR 97128-6894hcrane@linfield.edu
Alpha of Pennsylvania
Alliance College
Early founder’s chapter of Lambda Alpha,
Alliance College closed in 1987.Beta of Pennsylvania
Gannon University
Anthropology department eliminatedGamma of Pennsylvania
Dr. Cassandra Kuba
Dept. of Biology, Geology & Environmental Sciences
California University of Pennsylvania
250 University Avenue, Box #45
California, PA 15419kuba@calu.edu
Delta of Pennsylvania
Dr. Gabby Yearwood
Dept. of Anth./3302 WWPH
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260yearwood@pitt.edu
Epsilon of Pennsylvania
Dr. Abigail Adams
Dept. of Anth./G1 McElhaney
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA 15705-1018aadams@iup.edu
Zeta of Pennsylvania
Dr. Susan Dauria
Dept. of Anthropology
Bloomsburg University
Bloomsburg, PA 17815-1301sdauria@bloomu.edu
Eta of Pennsylvania
Dr. Douglas Bird
Dept. of Anthropology
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802dwb5537@psu.edu
Theta of Pennsylvania
Dr. Benjamin Luley
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
Gettysburg College
Gettysburg, PA 17325-1486bluley@gettysburg.edu
Iota of Pennsylvania
Dr. Elizabeth Newell
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
Elizabethtown College
Elizabethtown, PA 17022-2298newellea@etown.edu
Kappa of Pennsylvania
Dr. Elaine Bennett
Dept. of Anth./300 Fraser Purch. Rd.
Saint Vincent College
Latrobe, PA 15650-2690elaine.bennett@stvincent.edu
Lambda of Pennsylvania
Dr. Lenore Barbian
Dept. of Hist., Anth., et al/146 Hendricks
235 Scotland Rd.
Edinboro University
Edinboro, PA 16444lbarbian@edinboro.edu
Mu of Pennsylvania
Dr. Allison Byrnes
Dept. of Anthropology
Mercyhurst University
Erie, PA 16546abyrnes@mercyhurst.edu
Nu of Pennsylvania
Dr. Rebecca Chancellor
Dept. of Anthropology & Sociology
700 S. High St.
West Chester University
West Chester, PA 19383-2106RChancellor@wcupa.edu
Xi of Pennsylvania
Dr. Khori Newlander
Dept. of Anthropology and Sociology
Kutztown University
Kutztown, PA 19530newlander@kutztown.edu
Omicron of Pennsylvania
Dr. Lauren Wynne
Dept. of Anth. & Soc.
Ursinus College
Collegeville, PA 19426lwynne@ursinus.edu
Pi of Pennsylvania
Dr. Justin Garcia
Dept. of Criminology, Sociology & Anthropology
Millersville University of Pennsylvania
43 E. Frederick Street
Millersville, PA 17551Justin.Garcia@millersville.edu
Rho of Pennsylvania
Dr. Casey James Miller
Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology
Muhlenberg College
2230 Chew St.
Allentown, PA 18104caseymiller@muhlenberg.edu
Alpha of Rhode Island
Dr. Kristine Bovy
Dept. of Soc. & Anth./507 Chafee
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI 02881kbovy@uri.edu
Beta of Rhode Island
Dr. Jessica Skolnikoff
Dept. of Anth. & Soc.
One Old Ferry Rd.
Roger Williams University
Bristol, RI 02809-2921jskolnikoff@rwu.edu
Alpha of South Carolina
Dr. Allison Foley
Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology
College of Charleston
19 St. Philip, Room 102
Charleston, SC 29424foleya@cofc.edu
Beta of South Carolina
Dr. David Markus
Dept. of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice
Clemson University
130 Brackett Hall
Clemson, SC 26934-1356dmarkus@clemson.edu
Alpha of South Dakota
Dr. Dona Davis
Dept. of Anthropology
University of South Dakota
Vermillion, SD 57069Dona.Davis@usd.edu
Beta of South Dakota
Dr. Kristen A. Carlson
Dept. of Anthropology
Augustana University
2001 S. Summit Ave.
Sioux Falls, SD 57197Kristen.Carlson@augie.edu
Dr. Kandace D. Hollenbach
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Tennessee
1621 Cumberland Ave
Strong Hall Room 505
Knoxville, TN 37996-1525kdh@utk.edu
Beta of Tennessee
Alan Wheeler
Dept. of Behav. & Soc. Sci.
Lee University
Cleveland, TN 37320-3450awheeler@leeuniversity.edu
Gamma of Tennessee
Dr. Morgan Smith
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Chattanooga, TN 37403morgan-f-smith@utc.edu
Delta of Tennessee-PENDING
University of MemphisEpsilon of Tennessee
Dr. Andrew Wyatt
Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology
Middle Tennessee State University
Box 10
Murfreesboro, TN 37132 -
Alpha of Texas
Dr. Ritu Gairola Khanduri
Dept. of Soc. & Anth./400 U. Hall #430
The University of Texas at
Arlington, TX 76019-0599khanduri@uta.edu
Beta of Texas
Dr. Servando Hinojosa
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley
SBSC 344
1201 W. University Drive
Edinburg, TX 78539-2999servando.hinojosa@utrgv.edu
Gamma of Texas
Dr. Patrick Gallagher
Dept. of Anthropology
The University of Texas at
San Antonio, TX 78249-0652patrick.gallagher@utsa.edu
Delta of Texas
Dr. Michael Jordan
Dept. of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work
Texas Tech University
PO Box 41012
Lubbock, TX 79409-1012michael.jordan@ttu.edu
Epsilon of Texas
Dr. Jennifer Mathews
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
Trinity University
San Antonio, TX 78212-7200jmathews@trinity.edu
Zeta of Texas INACTIVE
Dept. of Anth./2201 Speedway, Stop C3200
University of Texas, Austin
Austin, TX 78712Eta of Texas
Dr. Jamie Johnson
Dept. of Anth./P.O.Box 310409
University of North Texas
Denton, TX 76203-0409jamie.johnson@unt.edu
Theta of Texas
Dr. Augustine Agwuele
Dept. of Anth./232 ELA, 601 Univ.
Texas State University
San Marcos, TX 78666-4616aa21@txstate.edu
Iota of Texas
Dr. Kacy Hollenback
Dept. of Anthropology
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275-0336khollenback@smu.edu
Kappa of Texas
Dr. Garrett Cook
Dept. of Anthropology
Baylor University
Waco, TX 76798-7173garrett_cook@baylor.edu
Lambda of Texas
Dr. Christine Kovic
Anth. Prog./Suite 2617-22
University of Houston-Clear Lake
Houston, TX 77058-1098kovic@uhcl.edu
Mu of Texas
Dr. Wendy Branwell
Dept. of Anth./3201 W. Pecan Blvd.
South Texas College
McAllen, TX 78501wbranwell@southtexascollege.edu
Nu of Texas
Dr. Andy Gordon
Dept. of Comparative Cult. Stu.
233 McElhinney Building
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-5020agordon3@uh.edu
Xi of Texas
Dr. Miguel C. Leatham, Ph.D.
Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology
Box 298710
Texas Christian University
Fort Worth, TX 76129m.leatham@tcu.edu
Omicron of Texas
Dr. Allison Hopkins
Dept. of Anthropology
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4352hopkins@tamu.edu
Alpha of Utah inactive
Dr. David F. Lancy
Dept. of Social Work, Soc. & Anthro.
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322-0730dlancy@cc.usu.edu
Beta of Utah
Dr. Mark A. Stevenson
Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology
Weber State University
1299 Edvaison St.
Dept. 1208
Ogden, UT 84408-1208mstevenson1@weber.edu
Gamma of Utah
Dr. Emily M. Dean
Southern Utah University
351 W. University Blvd.
Cedar City, UT 84720deane@suu.edu
Alpha of Vermont
Dr. Deborah Blom, Chair
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT 05405-0168dblom@uvm.edu
Alpha of Virginia
Dr. Donna C. Boyd
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Box 6939
Radford University
Radford, VA 24142doboyd@radford.edu
Beta of Virginia
Dr. Daniel Temple
Dept. of Soc. & Anth./MS 3G5
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22030-1446dtemple@gmu.edu
Gamma of Virginia
Dr. Jonathan Glasser
Dept. of Anthropology
The College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795jglasser@wm.edu
Delta of Virginia
Dr. Doug Dalton
Dept. of Anthropology
Longwood University
Farmville, VA 23909-1801daltondm@longwood.edu
Epsilon of Virginia
Dr. Dennis Blanton
Dept. of Soc. & Anth./7501 MSC
James Madison University
Harrisonburg, VA 22807blantodb@jmu.edu
Zeta of Virginia
Dr. Sascha Goluboff
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450-2116goluboffs@wlu.edu
Eta of Virginia
Dr. Jennifer Nourse
Dept. of Soc.&Ant./302 Weinstein
University of Richmond
Richmond, VA 23173jnourse@richmond.edu
Theta of Virginia
Dr. Christopher Loy
Dept. of Soc. & Anth./1 University Pl.
Christopher Newport University
Newport News, VA 23435christopher.loy@cnu.edu
Iota of Virginia
Dr. Jason C. James
Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology
University of Mary Washington
1301 College Ave.
Fredericksburg, VA 22401jjames@umw.edu
Alpha of Washington
Dr. Sarah Keller
Dept. of Geo. & Anth./103 Isle Hall
Eastern Washington University
Cheney, WA 99004-2499skeller@ewu.edu
Beta of Washington
Dr. Rachel Horowitz
Dept. of Anthropology
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-4910rachel.horowitz@wsu.edu
Gamma of Washington
Dr. Lori K. Sheeran
Dept. of Anthropology
Central Washington University
400 E. University Way
Ellensburg, WA 98926-7544SheeranL@cwu.edu
Alpha of West Virginia
Dr. Susanna Donaldson
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV 26506-6326smdonaldson@mail.wvu.edu
Beta of West Virginia
Dr. Robin Conley Riner
Dept. of Soc. & Anth.
Marshall University
Huntington, WV 25755-2678conleyr@marshall.edu
Beta of Wisconsin
Dr. Paul Brodwin
Dept. of Anthropology/Sabin
University of Wisconsin at
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413brodwin@uwm.edu
Gamma of Wisconsin
Mr. Daniel Strouthes
Dept. of Anth./105 Garfield
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004stroutdp@uwec.edu
Delta of Wisconsin
Dr. Peter Peregrine
Dept. of Anth./711 E. Boldt Way
Lawrence University
Appleton, WI 54911-5626Peter.N.Peregrine@Lawrence.edu
Epsilon of Wisconsin
Dr. Ursula Dalinghaus
Dept. of Anthropology & Sociology
Ripon College
300 Seward
Ripon, WI 54971dalinghausu@ripon.edu
Zeta of Wisconsin
Dr. Sameena A. Mulla
Department of Social and Cultural Sciences
Marquette University
PO Box 1881
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881sameena.mulla@marquette.edu